Results for «saudi arabia»

La guerra empieza aqui

1h 04m

The action of a firefighter in the Port of Bilbao, by refusing to participate in a shipment of weapons to massacre the population of Yemen, initiates a social movement that will unveil the dark interests and implications of this trade.

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Nostromo: The Impossible Dream of David Lean

1h 29m

David Lean dedicated the last six years of his life to implement a dream called Nostromo. Based on the novel of the same title by Joseph Conrad, Nostromo was to be an epic film shot with care and attention to detail that seemed from another era in years dominated by action and special effects. The British master, about to turn 80, aspired to close his career with a masterpiece worthy of titles such as Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago or The Bridge on the River Kwai.

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Nostromo: The Impossible Dream of David Lean

1h 29m

David Lean dedicated the last six years of his life to implement a dream called Nostromo. Based on the novel of the same title by Joseph Conrad, Nostromo was to be an epic film shot with care and attention to detail that seemed from another era in years dominated by action and special effects. The British master, about to turn 80, aspired to close his career with a masterpiece worthy of titles such as Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago or The Bridge on the River Kwai.

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